Acciones Integradas

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The Granada Research of Excellence Initiative on BioHealth (GREIB) is a new created high-competitive project of the University of Granada (UGR) funded by the Campus of International Excellence of the Ministry of Science and Innovation (Class B, R+D+I – Top Research Areas).

GREIB main objective is to create a BioHealth framework in the city of Granada leading ultimately to the promotion of the UGR as an international reference in the BioHealth field. GREIB strategic plan features as a top priority the incorporation of all concerned stakeholders, comprising both public and private players, within the Granada area. This program funds mobility (travel and stay) expenses of UGR researchers that may be required to initiate a collaboration with other BioHealth research groups of excellence, as a starting point for future joint research efforts.

Program specifications

  • The aim of GREIB-JP is to foster collaboration between UGR research groups and GREIB associated institutions, on one hand, and researchers of excellence located in other countries, on the other, within the BioHealth area. In particular, this program will facilitate exchange stays among groups, in order to set a solid base for future research efforts.
  • Funding is limited to travel and stay expenses of BioHealth researchers.
  • Research teams of at least 3 UGR investigators can apply.
  • The maximum amount is 4000 euro.
  • In 2010 the deadline for applications is November 30. For the next year, a new call will be published.
  • The applications will be evaluated by the GREIB Steering Committee.

Applicant requirements

All applicants must:

  • Belong to one of the BioHealth research groups of the UGR and of aggregated institutions (public and/or private) that apply in coordination with researchers of the UGR.

All applications must include:

  • Scientific profile of the foreign research team
  • CV of the applicants
  • A brief description of the collaboration proposed and budget.

Selection criteria

  • Scientific excellence and viability of the proposal.
  • Scientific excellence of the applicant team
  • Prestige and scientific excellence of the foreign team.
  • Funds contributed by the foreign team/institution.

In case of support

  • The proposed activities must take place between January 1 and July 31, 2011.
  • The applicant team must present, no later than one month after the end of the activities, a brief report, along with appropriate justification of expenses.